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Franklin Office
2921 S 5th Court
P.O. Box 70607
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone: (414) 761-3868
Fax: (414) 761-3591
Tomah Office
1023 Townline Road
Tomah, WI 54660
Phone: (608) 374-3770
Platt Construction, Inc.
Since 1972, Platt Construction, Inc. as a general contractor, has been providing our clients with superior construction management and client focused design build construction. Our talented in house craftsmen perform concrete, carpentry, and demolition.

Poured Foundation
Platt Customer - Harley Davidson Museum

Shoring Towers Erected by Platt
Project - Miller Park Stadium - Roof Installation

Poured Foundation
Platt Customer - Harley Davidson Museum
Bid List Update
We are in the process of updating our bid list. Please take the time to complete this form.

Platt Construction, Inc. operatess on the basis of:
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